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Built-in Functions in Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Before Excel 2003, you could get a complete list of Visual Basic Functions by looking in Visual Basic Help > Contents > Functions. In Excel 2010, entering “Functions” into the Help Search box produces nothing useful.  Using a specific category, e.g. “Math Functions”, may be more productive.  Please be aware of what references to “Excel…

More Excel Visual Basic Programming Basics

In this post, we will give you some more of the basic (forgive the pun) building blocks of the Visual Basic programming language. We will cover formulas, assigning values, logical comparison, constants, comments, and continuation lines. We conclude with two small examples. One of them demonstrates our first Error Trap. 1.     Formulas We have already…

What Are VB Projects, Objects, Forms, Modules and Procedures?

In the Excel Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11), display the Project Explorer (Ctrl+R). Usually (and in this picture), it appears at the top left, under the toolbars: In Project Explorer, you will see a VBAProject for every Excel file that is open.  The list will include the hidden Personal Macro workbook, Personal.xlsb, if you have personal macros….


How to Get Help in the Excel Visual Basic Editor

At this point, you might be wondering, “What if I get stuck?”  Fear not, help is at hand!  Microsoft offers extensive online documentation of the VB language.  To be fair and warn you, it’s often not that useful.  You might find more assistance if you Google for your topic.  There is a lot of programming…