Functions for Finding Cell References: ADDRESS, OFFSET, INDIRECT

We often need to find cell references to use in our formulas.  In this post, we will look at several such functions: ADDRESS, ROW, COLUMN, OFFSET, and INDIRECT.  We mention INDEX(MATCH) but cover them in other posts. For simplicity, in this post, we use the “A1” format of cell references throughout.  The other option, the…

Information Functions: CELL and INFO, etc.

CELL returns information about a specific cell.  INFO returns information about the operating environment. The various IS- functions at the end of the post are also of interest. CELL(info_type, reference) CELL returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of the reference cell. (It uses the upper-left cell if the reference is a multi-cell range). …


The Cryptic T() and N() Functions to Force Text and Numbers

Say that you set up a spreadsheet for general use.  You expect the user to type text into certain cells, which you then use in formulas.  But they leave some cells blank.  If your text formulas refer to those cells, they read as zero, which messes up your text.  Use =T(cell) to return an empty…

Using SUMIF, COUNTIF and Similar “IF” Functions

Using SUMIF, COUNTIF and Similar “IF” Functions

Do you need totals, an average, or a count of cells in a range, but only under certain circumstances?  Then one of the several statistical “IF” functions will be useful.   They let you use a criterion, or several criteria, to include or ignore chosen cells. They are:COUNTIF, COUNTIFS count those cells in a range that…


Excel Functions You Never Need!

Why would I tell you about Excel Functions you will never need?  Well, you might be using them now, and not be aware that there are simpler, more elegant alternatives. Are you using any of these: CONCATENATE, CONCAT, PRODUCT, POWER, DAYS, or DAYS360?  Then read on… CONCATENATE and CONCAT to Join Strings Syntax: CONCATENATE(text1, [text2],…

What’s the Difference between INT, TRUNC, and ROUND?

The Excel functions INT, TRUNC, and ROUND all do similar things. What’s the difference? INT Truncates a number down to the nearest integer TRUNC Truncates a number towards zero.  It truncates to an integer or an optional number of decimals. INT and TRUNC produce the same result with positive numbers.  They differ in the way…

The Cowboy Function ROUNDUP, and its Pals ROUNDDOWN, ROUND and MROUND

Nothing to do with Cowboys really (nor Monsanto either), just couldn’t resist the pun. ROUND(number, num_digits) rounds to the nearest digit (up or down as required)ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) always rounds up* to the nearest digitROUNDDOWN(number, num_digits) always rounds down* to the nearest digit The functions take the following arguments: Number (required): Any real number that you…