
The Cryptic T() and N() Functions to Force Text and Numbers

Say that you set up a spreadsheet for general use.  You expect the user to type text into certain cells, which you then use in formulas.  But they leave some cells blank.  If your text formulas refer to those cells, they read as zero, which messes up your text.  Use =T(cell) to return an empty…


Excel Functions You Never Need!

Why would I tell you about Excel Functions you will never need?  Well, you might be using them now, and not be aware that there are simpler, more elegant alternatives. Are you using any of these: CONCATENATE, CONCAT, PRODUCT, POWER, DAYS, or DAYS360?  Then read on… CONCATENATE and CONCAT to Join Strings Syntax: CONCATENATE(text1, [text2],…

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How to Use a Worksheet Function in a Macro: Proper Case Names

In some cases, VBA does not have a specific function, but the Excel Worksheet does. This Excel Visual Basic (VBA) code example demonstrates: How to call that Worksheet Function from a Macro. In this particular example, how to call the Worksheet Function =PROPER() from VBA. The function to downcase parts of surnames that normally appear…


Flowchart: Which Excel LOOKUP Function Should I Use?

When you want to look up data in Excel, you can choose from various functions: LOOKUP (in two forms), VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and the combination of INDEX(MATCH). Which should you use?  Here’s a flowchart to help guide you: The first and most important question is, “do you want an exact match or an approximate match?” If…

Linear Interpolation in Excel

We often need to find a value between or near two other known values. If we do not have a more accurate curve, a straight line will have to do. This is Linear Interpolation (or extrapolation). Excel is a good way to do it. For example, I read our electricity meters weekly. This lets me…

Look up winners based on their scores: A Toastmasters contest in Excel

Do you need to pick out a name from a list based on some data? It might be the best-performing employee or department. Or the machine next in need of a service. Or the supplier whose concrete mix was the most consistent, or many others. This isn’t specifically an engineering application, but of general use:…