Excel Visual Basic Variables, Part 2: Declaring and Naming Variables, Scope and Lifetime
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In an earlier post, we looked at connecting VBA code to command buttons on the Worksheet, the Quick Access Toolbar and the Ribbon. What about the other ActiveX Controls: The Combo Box, List Box, or Check Box? How about Option Buttons, the Scroll Bar, Spin button, Toggle button, etc.? That’s coming up in this post….
You can record a macro to copy from and paste to the Excel worksheet. Easy enough. But what if you have a value in Microsoft Excel VBA that you want to put on the clipboard for another program? Or you want your code to get text from the clipboard after you copied it there from…
This is an excerpt from Microsoft Excel 2000 Visual Basic Help. 1. Objects and Collections An object represents an element of an application, such as a worksheet, a cell, a chart, a form, or a report. In Visual Basic code, you must first identify an object. Only then can you apply one of the object’s…
1. MsgBox MsgBox (Message Box) brings up a dialog box with a title bar, a message of our choice, and a choice of icons and buttons. The function can return a value that tells us which button the user clicked. We have seen MsgBox in passing in earlier posts. Here is the syntax of the…
This is from Microsoft Excel 2000 Visual Basic Help, with changes and additions. All arguments are passed to procedures by reference, unless you specify otherwise. This is efficient because all arguments passed by reference take the same amount of time to pass and the same amount of space (4 bytes) within a procedure regardless of…