How to Make Your Own Excel Dialog Box with a Visual Basic UserForm
The built-in dialog boxes, MsgBox and InputBox$, are very useful for getting input from the user. But sooner or later you will want to go further. You might, while running code, want the user to make a choice from a list, or between several options. For this, you want a UserForm. For example:

The program should then respond to the user’s choice.
1. Exercise: Create a UserForm:
This example is in the file Macros.xlsm, which you can get free of charge from us. Or you can copy the code below into a blank worksheet and then run it.
Here is the setup:

Create this in the Visual Basic Editor as follows:
- View the Project Explorer (Ctrl+R)
- Right-click in the Project Explorer and Insert > UserForm
- View Properties (F4)
- Change the “(Name)” property of the form to frmDemoForm
- Change its Caption to the heading you want.
- The Toolbox should be visible (if not, View > Toolbox)
- Click the list box and drag a suitable size list box on the UserForm
- Change its “(Name)” property to lstHeights. Change the Font if you wish.
- Add a Command Button to the form, name it cmdOK and with the caption OK.
- Add another Command Button, cmdCancel, with the caption Cancel.
- Double-click the OK button to go to the code window. Add the required code. The code for both buttons should end with the statement
, which closes the form. - In the case of our demonstration, we need a button on the worksheet to open the form. The code for this is
- Alternatively, the dialog box could, for example, run when the file opens. Then you would put the code in the object ThisWorkbook, in
Sub Workbook_Open
2. More Code
Here’s the code that is not visible in the screen capture above (of course, you can make up your own):
Private Sub cmdOK_Click() ' OK Button
' Set Message based on selection:
Select Case lstHeights.ListIndex
Case 0 ' "Tall"
Msg$ = "Hi Beanpole!"
Case 1 ' "Average"
Msg$ = "How boring to be just ""Average""!"
Case 2 ' "Short"
Msg$ = "Hi Shorty!"
Case 3 ' "Dwarf"
Msg$ = "Dwarves have a long and glorious history of contributions to Mankind"
Msg$ = Msg$ & vbLf & "from Snow White, through The Lord of The Rings, to Terry Pratchett."
Msg$ = Msg$ & vbLf ‘ Blank Line
Msg$ = Msg$ & vbLf & "Therefore, never be ashamed of your height."
End Select
' Display message:
MsgBox Msg$, vbInformation, "A personal message for you"
End ' Close the dialog box
End Sub
3. Working with a UserForm:
To select more than one control, start at a position not touching any of the controls. Drag a box that touches or includes all the controls you want to select.
Otherwise, click on the first control you want to select. Then hold a Shift key while clicking on the other controls you want to select.
If you selected more than one control, you can move the selection as a unit. You can also. drag the handles to re-size all the controls together (by the same amount)
To re-size the Form itself, select it first. Then grab and drag a corner or an edge handle.