The Excel Object Model in Detail

We had an earlier post, How to Use Objects, Collections, Properties, Events and Methods in Excel Visual Basic.  There, we introduced the idea of Objects and Collections.  We listed the most useful Objects, and Collections of Objects.  Below we have more extensive diagrams, specifically for the Excel Object Model.  It helps to understand the hierarchy: This lets you address an object at any level.  For example, Application.Workbook.Range.Font.

The diagrams below come from earlier Visual Basic Help, back when Help was truly helpful.

Everything branches off from the Application.  Worksheets and Charts have their own sections below that for Application.

White blocks represent an Object only (such as “Application”).  Yellow blocks have an object and a collection.  Thus, the block “Workbooks (Workbook)” represents the Workbooks collection.  In this, the individual object is the Workbook.

1.           Application

2.           Worksheets

3.           Charts

Not shown here, are the trees for Shapes and Chart Groups.

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